
Reproductive medicine

Scientific Degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences

In 2004, Dr. Volodyaev graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2007, he completed a postgraduate programme for the degree of Candidate of Sciences at the same Faculty and defended his candidate's thesis on "X. laevis Egg Cell and Embryo Ultraweak Emission and Optical Interaction".

He is a regular participant of European conferences in Embryology and Biophysics and has had a number of publications in top-rated international journals. He is a laureate of the G. Preparata award in Coherent Biophysics and the owner of four patents of the Russian Federation.

Since 2005, he has been teaching a special course on "Morphogenesis – the Development of the Biological Form" at the Department of Embryology of the MSU Faculty of Biology. Since 2009, he has been employed as a senior scientist at the Department of Embryology of the MSU Faculty of Biology. In 2009-2010, he worked as an embryologist at the MAMA clinic and in 2011-2012 - at the ASKON clinic.

He has mastered all modern embryological methods including IVF, ICSI, IMSI, PICSI, assisted hatching, blastomere and trophectoderm biopsy for PGD; a comprehensive analysis and cryoconservation of semen; embryo and oocyte vitrification.

Dr. Volodyaev speaks English.

Presently, he works at the Department of Embryology of the European Medical Center (EMC).